From: £359.90£234.95
From: £719.80£419.95

Low Cost Horse Bedding in Bristol and Bath

Our wood pellets are super absorbent wood pellet based horse bedding that provides a high quality a high quality and cost effective bed. You can save as much as 75% a year on your bedding costs.

The pellets are 100% pine wood, have very low dust content, only 0.7% ensuring the highest quality protecting the health of your horse. Save storage space, save money, save time. A pallet of 65 x 15 kg bags will only take up the same amount of space as 8 x bales of shavings or straw. When you add cold or hot water to the bag of pellets, it fluffs it up into a lovely dense, dry bedding. The bedding is virtually dust free, easy to clean, and are while in colour so it makes it very easy to identify wet patches. Any moisture is easily absorbed making your job a whole lot easier and considerable cleaner – mucking out becomes less of a chore.

Made from 100% pine, they are a natural product offering a real alternative to the more traditional forms of horse bedding, including shavings, straw, paper and cardboard. All pellets are FSC approved, for every tree that is cut down 2 trees are replaced. This gives us total quality control, we know where the wood comes from and how the pellets are made. Ensuring the most environmentally friendly, highest quality pellets on the market. Our pellets conform to the latest European standard, ENplus. We have been awarded the ENplus certificate UK001.

With a wealth of experience and knowledge of the pellet market, we understand that you need a product that you can rely on and won’t let your horse down.